Technology Solutions

Nearshore outsource resources for technology solutions and software engineering

Providing professional technical services in your language and your timezone

Highly Cost-Effective Development

Considering Nearshore Talent

If you’re on a budget, nearshore software outsourcing is a great option for cutting some expenses as there may be no affordable providers in your region.

On the contrary, if you’re not limited in budget for hiring software engineers, you may want to consider expanding an in-house team with more talents. In any other case, nearshore software development companies will be the right choice.

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Why choose Zino

The Nearshore Difference

To Nearshore is to outsource one or more of a client organization’s activities, processes or services to another country, usually within the same continent and with the same or a very similar time zone.

Rapid Development

We are located in Mexico and staffed with native English speakers there are no timezone or language barrier delays.


We work for you. We operate a small shop and we do not over-book. We will work around your projects needs.

Multiple Technologies

Our technical expertise extends from basic web applications through Machine Learning, AI, and Blockchain technologies.

Experienced Team

Our entire staff is US educated and has at least a decade of experience in each relevant field of technology.

Testing Network

We operate a US based network for beta testing and client application deployment to demonstrate relative application speeds.

Change Management

We aren't done until you are 100% satisfied. Our client portal allows you to task and prioritize all changes for your projects.

Lower Cost

The highest level of technical expertise available for a fraction of the cost of in-house US domestic staff.

Project Tracking

Our back-office client-portal allows full project visibility and management of all technical resources in real-time.

Software Development

One-on-One Client Support

Building and managing an outsourced software development team shouldn’t be a challenge. At Zeno, we can work either as your full engineering team, or as an extension of your existing engineering team. Having us as your engineering partner makes your processes easier and let you focus on what matters most to your growth. Hire us now and get the most out of your software development team. Give us a call and switch to Nearshore!

Contact Us
Requirements Analysis

The first step to any process is always planning. Being a project manager, you might have done a requirement analysis of your project, but you are going to need software engineering experts to create a software development plan for your project.

Design and Prototyping

Creating the software architecture for the product or design will define the complete workflow of the software. In terms of software, the design doesn’t only have to do about the look but also about the overall functioning and user experience of the software.

Software Development

Development in software-process only begins when you are completely sure of the requirements and onboard with the design and features. The development team starts working on the development of a program by writing the necessary code.

Maintenance and Updates

An iterative process of software development. After launching the product, the process is not complete. You need to keep a track of software maintenance and keep upgrading it. You need to consistently monitor software development and suggest changes whenever required.


After coding and testing are done, the next development phase is to deploy your software on the necessary servers and devices. This is only done after you have approved of the product functionality and the stability of the product is proved.


This is actually a continuous process of software development, and testing is performed alongside development. Testing is done to check the functionality, usability, and stability of the product under the rapid development process.

We are at your Service

Software Development and IT Consulting

Software consulting services are aimed at increasing the return on investment by efficient project planning and management when it comes to either from-scratch development or ongoing solutions.

Powerful Service

We are dedicated to providing professional service with the highest degree of honesty and integrity, and strive to add value to our development and consulting services.

  • Competent Professionals
  • Affordable Prices
  • Multiple Technologies
  • Creative Team
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