Frequently Asked Questions

Nearshore Outsourcing

The nearshore concept started to gain real momentum in 2002 as the Mexican government began marketing the idea within the United States. With time, the world has come to define nearshore as delegating outsourcing business processes and technology support to companies in a nearby country—primarily US companies partnering with Mexican companies.

Are your resources as skilled as those in the US?

Yes. Many Latin American countries are popular software development outsourcing destinations due to their large, educated, and experienced talent pools. Strong government and educational support, significant foreign direct investment, and decades of experience delivering software outsourcing services to the U.S. mean you will access the necessary skills to achieve outsourcing success.

Is my team dedicated or shared with others?

You will have dedicated resources assigned to you with the exception of a project manager resource if requested, who may work on a fractional basis depending on the project.

Who decides which resource will be allocated to my team?

You do. We locate the resources and present them to you. You choose who to interview and determine whether they meet your needs. In the end, it’s your team and your decision on who works within your organization.

Who manages my team day-to-day?

Typically we don’t put Management between you and your team. But with larger teams it may become necessary to have local management. Most organizations leverage in-house leads and managers with experience managing remote teams. If you desire it, we will gladly secure local team leaders and/or local managers. But for the most part, managing your remote teams will be no different than managing your local teams.